Four types of dentures are available:

  • implant-supported;
  • precision, equilibrated or balanced;
  • semi-precision;
  • conventional or centric.
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Types of dentures

Implant-supported dentures

This type of denture is secured to one or more anchoring points provided by implants inserted into the bone. The treatment protocol associated with such prostheses requires close collaboration between the denturologist and a dental surgeon, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, or other specialists. 

Precision, equilibrated or balanced dentures

Physiological data points are recorded to achieve a more personalized fit that allows for protrusive (forward) movement and lateral (left and right) movement of the jaw without tooth interference. 

This category includes implant-supported dentures. 

Semi-precision dentures

The denturologist uses a partially adjustable articulator to make this type of denture. The articulator reproduces protrusive and lateral mouth movements, but not as accurately as precision dentures. 

Conventional or centric dentures

A plane line—or simple-hinge—articulator is used to make this type of denture. While centric dentures simulate the opening and closing motion of the jaw, they preclude lateral movement and are not adjusted to account for chin mobility.

Good to know

Your denturologist can also make mouthguards.

Custom-fit mouthguards:

  • keep your jaw from moving up and back upon impact;
  • allow shock absorption, reducing the risk of concussion, neck injuries and jaw fractures;
  • fit perfectly and are very comfortable;
  • are stable and secure;
  • maintain the oxygen levels required for practicing sports.
Good to know

Your denturologist can also make mouthguards.
